Un temerario artículo en el diario argentino La Nación, firmado por Jorge Aráoz, arrojaba infudados rumores sobre la supuesta enfermedad a la que se enfrentaba el tenor alemán Jonas Kaufmann. Sin embargo, esta misma tarde los representantes artísticos del artista han comunicado que dicha información no guarda relación alguna con la realidad. Reproducimos el comunicado en cuestión:
COMPLETELY UNTRUE All the information contained in the article published in “La Nacion” on March 27th (“Jonas Laufmann tiene un serio problema de salud”) is completely untrue. The writer is not well informed as Mr. Kaufmann just appeared in a solo all Puccini concert in Prague on March 16 which was acclaimed with standing ovations. He also did a private concert in Vienna on March 19 and appeared on March 21 as soloist with the Berlin Staatskapelle and Daniel Barenboim. Furthermore, Mr. Kaufmann is looking forward to appearing in all his engagements for April as well as all of his other future engagements.
Bruce Zemsky and Alan Green, Managers of Jonas Kaufmann